
Sächsisch ist die einzige Sprache der Welt, die für Gorgonzola und Gurkensalat dasselbe Wort verwendet.

13 Things happy people do differently

People aren’t simply happy or sad, we’re both. Sometimes at the same time. Happy and sad are momentary experiences, just as hunger, melancholy, joy, grief or clarity are things you experience in a specific moment.

These things define a moment, not a person, so while happiness isn’t something you possess as you do with a shoe size or eye colour, it is something that you can cultivate more of.

Forest Gump goes to heaven

When Forest Gump died, he stood in front of St. Peter at the Pearly Gates. St. Peter said, „Welcome, Forest. We’ve heard a lot about you.“ He continued, „Unfortunately, it’s getting pretty crowded up here and we find that we now have to give people an entrance examination before we let them in.“

Getting things done!

Drop into any office during peak working hours and you are sure to find people busy at their desks trying to get their day’s work done; yet, at the end of the day, it seems like there is still so much left undone.

Speak to any stay-at-home parent and you will find them complaining of always racing against the clock to get all their jobs done.

What’s the problem here? It’s obviously not a lack of effort because everyone works pretty hard; it is more likely to be a lack of an important skill – time management.

If you find yourself nodding in reply to the description of people stressed for time, here are a few ideas you may find useful in managing time better.



» Das einzige, was du auf der Welt verändern kannst, ist die Lage Deines Kopfkissens. « ~{Gabriel Garcia Marquez}

teuere Klamotten

Günstige Klamotten werden im Ausland zu Hungerlöhnen produziert? Ich dachte immer die werden vom Mercedes-Vorstand in Pausenzeiten gehäkelt.